Space Christmas 2012 Japan Tour

12月8日(土) 東京、渋谷LUSH


Saturday, December 8th       Shibuya LUSH, Tokyo

From Osaka to Shibuya, Tokyo.  At Shin-Osaka station, building a new platform.  I had Bento Lunch Box in a train.  It was yummy!

Scenery from train.  On the top of the mountains, they had snow.


ワンマンライブなので、サウンドチェックからステージまで、時間が無くて、写真はほとんど撮れなかった。(@o@;) ナイフのアメリカのレーベル、Good Charamel RecordsのRobbyさん、みよこさんも見に来てくれました。Robbyさんは、初期の曲もたくさん聴けておもしろかった、と言うてくれました。


It was one-man show and there was no spare time between sound check and show time.  I couldn’t take photos.  Robby and Miyoko from our North American label, Good Charamel Records, came to see us.  Robby said that the set list was included our early songs and the show was fun.

The show was packed.  It must have been too hot.  I’m sure it was very “rock”.  Many happy faces of audience made me excited during the show.

12月9日(日) 名古屋アポロシアター



Sunday, December 9th, Apollo Theater, Nagoya

We left the hotel in Shibuya a little early in the morning.  Because we really wanted to eat Nagoya’s local specialty “Hitsumabushi”, the roasted eel bowl in Nagoya before sound check.

It was a sunny day and I took a picture at a service area.


We ate the roasted eel bowl and got happy.



I think we could relaxed and played well.  We got many kind reactions and comments  from audience at the  autograph session after show.  Thanks a lot!

When we loaded out, it was snowing.  I was wondering about the snow on the way back home but we got through the Nagoya city, the weather was fine and arrived in Osaka safely.

12月22日(土) 大阪、十三ファンダンゴ


気がつけば、写真は一枚も撮っていなかった! \(xox)/



Saturday, December 22nd    Juso Fandango, Osaka

2 weeks after Tokyo and Nagoya shows, the final show of Space Christmas tour was held in Osaka.

I took no picture!  I was so busy on the day.

We opened thrift  booth for recycle at the venue.  Audience can take our 2nd hand clothes and goods for free.  I put a donation box at the booth.  5931yen was donated for Red Cross.

People in Osaka are very cheerful and we got energetic response during the show.  Some audience were from far away cities in Japan.  We also had very international audience, too.  They were from Finland, Australia, Italy, U.K. and North America.  Photographer was a Brazilian!  It was very international.  Rock music link the world.