20 April Night & Day Cafe, Manchester


We checked out the hotel at noon. There was a cute vacuum cleaner in front of the room. Checkout time in the UK is usually noon. It’s helpful for rock bands. FYI, regular checkout times are 11:00am in the US, 10:00am in Japan.


Driving through farms, we checked in the next hotel.


I had veggie sandwich from catering yesterday for lunch at the hotel room. Plus mushroom cream soup from Japan. We had 2 hours there but the time flew quickly with lots of work.


We arrived at the venue and load in. The venue is on the ground floor! Yay! Coffee was served at the venue. The interior is colourful.


These tables and chairs will be cleared before the show.


Finished sound check.


Poster on the wall.


Pep sat up merch stall during our sound check. He is a man who can pay attention and reliable.


Three of us went to a Ramen restaurant which I searched through internet.


Karaage, deep fried chicken, was topped on Ramen. Unique. It was yummy.


The neon lights were on when we came back to the venue.

会場内は、たくさんのお客さんで、すし詰め状態。ステージも熱気でムンムンでした。Twist Barbieやら、All you can eat やら、各曲で大合唱が起こっていました。ありがとう!

The venue was very much packed with many audience. It was so hot! Many of the audience sang our songs like “Twist Barbie ” or “All you can eat ” along us. Thanks a lot!

ライブ終了後、2番目に演奏したProto Idiotのメンバーと記念撮影。楽しい演奏、おつかれさまでした!

We took a picture with a member from the support band Proto Idiot after show. Thank you for fun show!


After we came back to the hotel, I had a fish roe rice ball which I bought at the Ramen restaurant. Steamed rice was so good. Pickles were yum, too.


Turned on the TV and Barry Manilow was on it. Good night. 🙂