July 7, 712 Day Party Tokyo @FEVER

2018年のナイフDAY PARTYはアンコールでする曲を公募して決めようと、ツイッターとフェイスブックでリクエストを募りました。


We were asking requests for the song of encore on Twitter and Facebook.

People voted rare songs. There were 95 different songs. Wow!


We drove to Tokyo a day before the show. But it was heavy rain. Some parts of highway were closed. We waited and saw how it goes. And we left Osaka 3 pm. The highway was closed at Kyoto. We had to drive local roads.


It increased the water of Kamo river. It looked different from the usual.


It was super traffic jam in Kyoto. We were stuck 5 hours in Kyoto! We stopped at a McDonald’s and ate inside the car.


We arrived at Tokyo after13 hours drive. I went to bed around 4 am. It was long drive. I got tired.



My thoughts are with those who are affected by the heavy rains.



The next day, I ate rice ball and went to the venue.


Naoko arrived at Tokyo by bullet train same day as the live show.

新代田FEVER の楽屋にて。コンビニのおうどん食べて、Go!

I had Udon noodles from convenient store in the green room at Shindaita FEVER.               Ready to Rock!

久しぶりの東京ライブ、楽しかったです!  日本各地から、はたまた海外からお越し頂きありがとうございました!また東京に帰って来たいと思いました〜!!

Show was successful. Fans came to see us from all over Japan and also from overseas! Thank you so much! I want to come back soon!!


Risa and I went to a restaurant after the show.   Naoko was invited to be on a radio show in the early morning. She stayed the room.



Extras.  Next day.


Mt Fuji.


I ate a horse mackerel meal at the track stop. Fish! 🐟


Strawberry flavored soft serve ice cream for dessert.


We made home safely. Thank you! The next show is in Nagoya!