July 14, 712 Day Party Nagoya @CLUB UPSET

東京のショーから1週間。今日は名古屋で712 DAY PARTY!

A week from Tokyo show. We had a show in Nagoya!


We left Osaka around 11am. I saw Tsutenkaku tower which is the symbolic tower of Osaka.


These are snacks and drink in the car.

高速道路は渋滞していたけど無事に会場の池下CLUB UPSETに到着しました。そして、すぐにサウンドチェック。

There was traffic jam at the highway. We made the venue “CLUB UPSET” safely. We did sound check.


Preparing for merch.


There was tiny Japanese garden at the dressing room’s floor. I like it!


Inside the dressing room. I saw some futon. Can we stay here tonight? Garden in back?


There were some rocks in the rooftop garden. It looks like Stonehenge!


I had a rice ball before the show. Energy charged! Ready to Rock!!

楽しいライブで盛り上がりました! 皆さまの暖かい声援、ありがとうございました‼︎

Our show was successful. Thank you for your support. We had a great time!



Nagoya is famous for fresh water eel. It’s one of my favorite meals but we didn’t have enough time to go to a restaurant because bad traffic.  I could not eat the famous eel!  Also famous for chicken wings! It’s good match with beer. Great to have after the show but I couldn’t have it because we did not stay in Nagoya. I also wanted to have toast with sweet red beans for breakfast.  I wish I could stay in Nagoya!  Maybe next time!  We drove back to Osaka after the show. I had pork cutlet rice bowl with miso sauce at a track stop. It was good!

I want to come back Nagoya again!  Soon!