October 1 Travel Day Seattle ~ SAN Francisco


We left the hotel at 11am and dropped off the van at Tacoma airport and took a flight to San Francisco. Risa chose driving and our crew and she drove to San Francisco.


Object at the airport.


No food would be served during the flight. I bought a sandwich at the airport. Our flight was delayed an hour.


I ate a rice ball in the airplane.


Checked in the hotel in the late afternoon. Then Atsuko and I went to to Denny’s in the neighbors to eat dinner by walk.



夜9時ごろにはもうベッドで爆睡。夜中1時に目が覚めて、5時すぎまで寝つかれなくて iPadでCradle of Empiresっていう落ち物ゲームをずーっとして、その後、翌朝10時ぐらいまで寝ていました。分割睡眠ですな。


I ordered baked tilapia. I ate most of all. I could eat more than before after the US tour. My stomach expanded.

I searched about tilapia. It is fish eater llike black bass and The appearance is wired but it tastes good.

I slept at 9pm and woke up at 1am. I couldn’t sleep until 5am. I played a puzzle game Cradle of Empires with iPad. I slept again around 5am until 10am the next morning. I slept half and half.

I did only two things on this day. Traveling and going to Denny’s. The day passed very quickly.