October 3, Bottom of the Hill, San Francisco, CA


I got up around noon and made steamed rice by microwave in the room. Then I ate curry and rice for lunch.


I made rice balls with the leftover rice.


I prepared and we left the hotel at 3:30 to the neighbors of the venue.


Arrived at the neighbors of the venue. There are many steep hills in San Francisco. We can see all around.

会場入りの時間まで約1時間あったのでJohn & Jake と別れ、女性陣4名でカフェに行った。深入り豆がご自慢のお店です。

We had an hour until load in, Miyoko and the band went to a cafe. They serve deep roast coffee.

車を止めたところから10分近く歩いた場所でコーヒーを飲んでいたので、John & Jakeに来るまで迎えに来てもらった。そして、まもなく会場のBottom of the Hill到着。ここは、何度も出してもらっています。

The cafe was 10 minutes away by walk from our van. We asked John and Jake to pick us up by the van. Then we arrived at the venue, Bottom of the Hill with short drive. We played here several times.


Under the stage is a storage. It’s convenient.


The Male and Female signs of the toilet are cute embroidery.


The end of the floor. We set merch table here.


Patio of the venue. It’s no smoking in the building and this patio is a kind of smoking area. Smokey…


Object of Buddha.

今夜、始めに出る方のサポート、日本人2人組、Electric Machine Gunが会場に来られたので記念撮影。女性の方は吉本興業所属のタレント、野沢直子さん。80年代にテレビでよくお見かけしました。

We took a picture with Electric Machine Gun when they loaded in. This lady is a Japanese TV talent Naoko Nozawa. I often see her on TV in 1980’s in Japan.


After we had a video interview, I ordered chicken tacos at the bar. I ate it in the dressing room. They were yummy but hard to eat by hands. I needed chopsticks.


I got Halloween chocolate. So cool.

最初にElectric Machine Gun

The first support was Electric Machine Gun.

2番目にKepi Ghoulie。KepiさんとはGroovy Ghouliesの時から、サンフランシスコやサクラメントで何度かいっしょにライブしています。

The second was Kepi Ghoulie. We played together occasionally since his did Groovy Ghoulies in San Francisco or Sacramento.

Live pics by Miyoko


Our show time!!!!! The show was totally packed! It was so hot on stage. I thank to many great audience.


Took a picture with other bands.


With Kepi.


I had sweet rice cake from our long time fan at the hotel room and went to bed.