August 22, Rehearsal Day, Los Angeles CA


I was awaking in the middle of night for 2, 3 hours but I could sleep more than 7 hours total. I got up around 10am and had breakfast at Atsuko’s house. She made fruits mixed juice. It was yum. Greek yogurt and a piece of bread, too.


I wasn’t hungry at lunch time. I had a very tiny rice ball. Our tour crew Kenny and Jake came to pick us up by our van. I saw Kenny after 2 years and 1 year for Jake. I was happy to see them. Let’s have a good tour. Then drove to a studio.


At the studio, we checked our equipment and rehearsed.


I saw my silver Daisy Rock guitar after a year. Glittering and cute.


My YAMAHA THR100 amp head from Japan works well. We checked our set list and finished rehearsal.


We were taken to Atsuko’s by van. After coming back, I prepared for our tour merch and took a shower. Then went to bed. Summer night in LA is comfortable temperature. Finally our North American Tour 2019 will start from tomorrow!