August 29 Travel Day from Sacramento CA to Seattle WA




Atsuko and I chose taking flight for the travel between Sacramento and Seattle.

Risa chose to travel in a van. Risa and crew drove from Sacramento to Eugene today. They drove from Eugene to Seattle tomorrow and play there.

I ate Madeleine from yesterday’s at the airport.


I wanted to eat more and bought sandwich and shared with Atsuko. This sandwich cost $14. The price of the airport but anyway it was yum. A pilot bought sandwich, too.


We took a rather small airplane which has 4 seats in one row. This is Delta.


I can see the town of Seattle now.

シアトルの空港に到着後、ホテルのシャトルに迎えに来てもらい、チェックイン。そのあと、ウーバー呼んで近隣の巨大ショッピングモールへ。ここの一角には日本のROUND 1のボウリング場もある。


After we arrived at the airport in Seattle, we called a hotel shuttle and checked in. After that Atsuko and I called an Uber and went to a huge shopping mall near by. There is an bowling alley ROUND 1 which is from Japan.

This picture was taken after shopping. It was raining after we finished shopping and went out of the mall. I got rain first time after I arrived in the US.


There were some vacant stores. I saw a cute shop.


Is Gudetama popular in the US, too?

Clothing store.



We went to have early dinner to Din Tai Fung.

Yummy… We ordered too much and brought to the hotel.



Bon appetite.


It says Taiwanese sweets cafe will open this autumn next to Din Tai Fung. Boba Tea is in fashion in Japan now. Is it the same here?


After dinner, I went to XXI Forever. Someone said that it’s bankrupt. One fitting rooms are closed and stocks there. A little chaos. I bought many items at XXI Forever from 90’s. What will be going on?

そのあと、フィリピン系スーパーのSeafood Cityへ。 Hallsのミント味とお水を買った。それから、アジア系パン屋さんへ行ってパンを買ってウーバー乗ってホテルに帰還。今日は朝からお腹の調子が悪かった割にはいっぱい食べちゃった。


After that we went to a Philippine market, Seafood City and bought Halls mint candies and a bottle of water. Then went to an Asian bread shop and bought one. We took Uber again from the mall to the hotel. I felt a little bad for my stomach today but I ate a lot.

I updated my blog at night and went to bed. Seattle show tomorrow!