Sep 19 Richmond, VA. THE CAMEL


Good morning! We drove to Richmond from Atlanta. It has 526 miles distance.  It takes 8 hours drive without traffic and toilet break. What time can we get Richmond?


We decided not to do sound check tonight. We left the hotel 9:40am and went to a bakery which Kenny’s favorite in Atlanta.


We had a toilet break somewhere in North Carolina.

お昼ご飯はお昼ご飯はチキンのChick-fil-A で。バンでクリームパンを食べたのでキッズメニューを頼みました。へへ。

We went to a Chick-fil-A for lunch. I ordered kids meal. Because I ate a pastry in the van.


Toilet break.   Risa bought spicy chips for her friends.


Finally we arrived at the venue after long drive. It was 7:39 pm.


We loaded in quickly. We chose food from menu. I ordered fish tacos! It was delicious! I couldn’t finish it, so I brought to the hotel and ate later.

今夜のサポートバンド、Captain Scrunchie。

The first support band, Captain Scrunchie.

次は、Talk Me Off。

Next one was, Talk Me Off.


Shonen Knife‘s turn! It was sold out show tonight!! Thank you so much! You guys gave me lots energy! I had a great time with you!!

Live photo by Kira

Thank you Richmond Rock City!