September 24 The 27 Club, Ottawa ON, Canada


I ate a piece of bread which I bought 3 days ago and put strawberry jam from hotel breakfast somewhere. Coffee machine in my room was dusty and I got a cup of coffee from the lobby.


Passing through this kind of place, we arrive at the border between the US and Canada after 30 minutes drive.


There were 2 national flags.


There is a log lake called St. Laurence which is expanded from lake Ontario between the US and Canada.


We took about 30 minutes to procedure at the immigration office over there. We could enter into Canada safely.


Beautiful scenery.


We had lunch at a town close to the border.


Went to a Thai restaurant.


I ate shrimp spring rolls. Big portion. Atsuko ordered fried rice. I got some from her. Fried rice was super yummy.


Jake was taking a picture of sweet iced coffee.


Risa-chan, Kira-chan.


Arrived at Ottawa! We dropped our luggage at a hotel and drove to the venue.


There are many sight seeing people around the venue.

今日の会場、The 27 Club。

Today’s venue The 27 Club.

内部。Inside of the venue.


それから、トイレのことをwashroomと書いてあった。オーストラリアでも、そう表記するね。アメリカ合衆国は、restroom が多い。その辺も、カナダに来たー!って感じがした。

Customer’s toilet is at the basement. Fluorescent painting were on the wall. Toilet on the basement is French style. People in Ottawa speaks French, too because Ottawa is next to Quebec. Toilet is written as “washroom”. It reminds me of Australia. In the US, it’s restroom. I felt that “I’m in Canada!”.


Atsuko and I went to dinner hunting. Beautiful town!


Only one used clothing market was opened. Others were closed. I wish I could come here in daytime.


From back side of “OTTAWA” sign, it’s “AWATO”.


Atsuko and I went to an American diner. I ate Egg Benedict. Why American diner in Canada?! I just wanted to eat eggs. Risa and Kira went to McDonald’s.


I drew picture at the dressing room. I tried to drew Naoko model guitar. Is it shaped like this?

Live pics by Kira

オタワでのライブ は10年以上ぶりかも!ステキなお客さんに囲まれて楽しくライブできました。来てくださった方々、ありがとうござます!

I’m sure that it was the first show in Ottawa after more than 10 years. Our show went very well with many of enthusiastic audience. Thank you for coming to our show!


Went back to the hotel and slept. Toronto tomorrow. Tickets were sold out. Thank you so much!