12月9日、心斎橋クアトロライブリポート Dec. 9 Live report



えっちゃんとわたしでナイフグッズのニットキャップ、ベースボールTシャツ、リストバンドで身を包み、ステージ挨拶をした。なかなかいいコンビでしょ?!そしてeastern youth登場。ロックだね。カッコイイです。ココロに染み入る吉野さんのおしゃべりとラウドなサウンド、このバランスがすばらしいね。

そしてナイフの出番。この日の衣装は「星」ルック。Happy Hourのアルバム製作時に作ったもので、えっちゃんの衣装は今回新たに作った。ライブはいつものようにぶっ飛ばしたよ。たくさん見に来て下さって、ほんとにありがとう。みなさんのお陰で楽しくライブできたよ。


It was easy for me to go to a club near my house. It took just 30 minutes to go to the venue, Club Quattro Shinsaibashi, Osaka. I arrived there around noon. I ate lunch. It’s lunch box. In Japan we can buy various kind of lunch in a box. Most of them are delicious. I ate pork cutlet and a croquette lunch. Sauce was so yummy. After the sound check, I went to the basement of a department store. At Japanese department store, basement floors are usually grocery. I bought some bread and back to the dressing room. I ate a French bread with vanilla cream. It was so yummy.

Wearing Shonen Knife goods like knit cap, baseball T shirt, sweat bands, Etsuko and I went on stage and introduced about the day’s event and the opening band eastern youth. eastern youth was so rocked. Talking of the guitarist is very fun and the sound is loud. I like this ballance. So cool.

About Shonen Knife show, we wore Star look for our stage costumes. We made these when we released Happy Hour album. Etsuko’s costume was newly made. We very rocked on stage. Thank you for coming. So many people came to our show. I was very happy.

When I came back home after show, it was 11:00 p.m. I prepared for the show in Nagoya the next day and went to bed at 2:00 a.m.