みやこ音楽祭 京都編 Miyako Music Festival Kyoto



 前日の夜、「Soul of どんと」のリハーサルで会場に足を運んだときは、寒くて逃れるところもないし、「明日はどうしよう!」って思ったけど、当日はまだましだったー。ほっ。楽屋テントもあったし、時間的にも日暮れ前だったし。
 ナイフの出番が終わってもこの日は安心できない。(^^;)「Soul of どんと」にゲスト出演することになってたから。「どんと」とは「ローザルクセンブルグ」や「ボガンボス」をやっていた久富(くどみ)くんのことだけど、彼は昔からナイフをサポートしてくれて、自分のバンドのライブのフロントアクトにナイフを呼んでくれたりしてた。アツコが彼の衣装を縫ってあげたこともあったな。はは。今年は彼の7回忌にあたる年で、彼を偲んで「Soul of どんと」は活動しているわけです。
 ま、長い一日だったけど、ヒッピーで、楽しくて、寒くて、充実してました。見に来て下さったみなさん、ありがとう。そして、Limited Expressの飯田くん、くるりの岸田くんはじめ、スタッフのみなさんお世話になりました。川崎編もよろしくね。

I rocked at Miyako Music Festival Kyoto. When I arrived to the venue, Kyoto University Seibu Kodo, NYLON was playing. They are fun rock’n’roll! Their performance was fantastic.

I went to the venue for rehearsal for for Donto called soul of DONTO one day before our show, it was so chilly and I was afraid how to escape from the coldness. But there were tents for dressing room and it was daytime, I didn’t feel unconfortable.

Our venue was like a petit Red Marquee at Fuji Rock Festival. Around our stage, the atmosphere was a kind of hippie taste. Kyoto is close to my hometown Osaka. It takes just 50 minutes by train but for me, Kyoto is far. Very different from Osaka. People in Osaka is more practical, realistic but Kyoto is dreamy town.

I saw so many audience in front of our stage. Even from the out of our tent, many people were watching our show. Thanks a lot!! After our 30 minutes set, I sweat a lot.

I couldn’t be relaxed even our show was over. I had to sing at the soul of DONTO, the headliner for the day. DONTO was a member of Rosa Luxemburg and Bo Gumbos and he died 7 years ago. He supported Shonen Knife a lot. Soul of DONTO is an tribute band for him. I sang one song. I was ashamed to be on stage without a guitar. Anyway, singing in front of great musicians, I was happy. It was a long day and I enjoyed the festival a lot. Thanks again to come to our show and thank you for Iida of Limited Express and Kishida of Kururi and all staff of Miyako Music Festival. See at Kawasaki on Tuesday.