June 2nd Travel Day from Nimes FRANCE to Krakow POLAND

ニームから、クラクフ への移動日。

メンバー3人はリヨン空港まで車で送ってもらい、その日のうちに飛行機にてクラクフ に行く。

Pep兄貴は、昨日から合流のJackを乗せてそのままブリュッセルまで車を走らせて、その日はブリュッセル泊。翌日Jack は、鉄道でロンドンに帰る。兄貴は、車をブリュッセルの空港の駐車場に停めて置いて、飛行機でクラクフに来てメンバーと合流という段取り。



Travel day from Nimes to Krakow. Our travel plan is like this.

Three of us will go to Lyon airport by our van and take a flight to Krakow.

Pep drive to Brussels with Jack who joined us from Nimes and stay there for one night. The next day, Jack will take a train to London. Pep will take a flight from Brussels airport to Krakow and join with us.

We left the hotel in Nimes at 10:30am. It usually takes less than 3 hours from Nimes to Lyon Airport. Our flight’s departure time is 3:00pm. We have tons of one.

But heavy traffic jams were happening on our way to Lyon airport. We met a traffic jam by a traffic accident after regular traffic jam. I saw a burnt car. So scary. At last it took 4 hours and a half to arrive at the airport, we missed our flight.


As soon as we arrived at the airport, I reserved the flight if Lufthansa at night with Jack’s help. It was a regular flight but cheap LCC. We spent money.


I got relaxed after having the reservation. We were hungry and went to a food court at the airport. I ate barmicheri.


Coffee and sweets for my desert.


I ate rasberry tart, too.


We spent time for shopping. Lyon is a birth place of Saint-Exupéry. They sold cute The Little Prince souvenirs, I bought some. At that time, I got an information about 30 minutes delay of our flight. What?! Our transit time at Munich airport was tight. I was worried about that.


Arrival of the airplane from somewhere which we should take was delayed.


We were on board having 30 minutes delay.


Salami sandwich was served for flight meal but I took it out. I had white wine. It was sparkling and delicious.


Arrived at Munich airport where we transfer.


Right after the arrival, everybody who takes the same flight rushed to the transfer gate.

ギリギリセーフ!クラクフ 行きに乗ることができた!機内食は、タマゴサンド。こちらも持ち帰り。飲み物はまたまた、白ワイン。うまか〜。

Somehow we took the flight to Krakow. Flight meal was egg salad sandwich. I put it into my bag. I had white wine again yum.


Anyway we could arrived. It took more than 13 hours from Nimes to Krakow. When we were waiting at the baggage claim, our names were called. What’s happening?! There were not enough time to load the transfer luggage at Munich. I’ve heard that our bags will be delivered to our hotel tomorrow. We went out once and the promoter Ula who came to the airport to pick us up told our hotel address to the person at the airport. And we got baggage report.

荷物の票。Baggage report.

Ula ちゃんにタクシーでホテルまで連れてってもらい、チェックイン。この日は1人一部屋。シャワー浴びて即寝。ほんま、疲れた。バタリ。

Ula took us to a hotel by taxi and checked in. We had three single rooms for the night. I took a shower and slept very quickly. I got so tired.