Friday, April 18th in store

4月18日(金) 大阪の、タワーレコード 難波店でインストア

Friday, April 18th in store at Tower Records Namba in Osaka


午後7時から30分余り、新作「嵐のオーバードライブ」から5曲と、「Top of the World」, 「ロケットにのって」を演奏しました。ドラムは会場備え付けのエレキドラム。エレキドラムだけど、その前で演奏してたら普通のドラムみたいで違和感無かったなぁ。

Our in store was decided just a few days ago and I was wondering how many people would come? But  I didn’t need worrying. Many people came to our in store.

It started from 7:00 p.m. until around 7:30, we played 5 songs from the new album “Overdrive”, Top of the World and Riding on the Rocket. Emi used electric drums at the venue. It was natural for me when I was performing at front.



After show, we had a autograph session. There were people from various areas not only Osaka but France. Thanks for coming. We got candies from audience, on that day. Yay!

For the end, we autographed on the wall.



When you go to Tower Records Namba, please try to find our autograph on the wall.

Thanks for the staff at Tower Records Namba store!