July 5th, 712 Day Party 2014 Tokyo

7月5日(土)「712 Day Party 2014」 東京編 at 渋谷O-nest

6月13日にイギリス・ヨーロッパツアーから帰国、息つく間もなく翌14日にはNHK-FMに出演。アイドルグループNMB48のメンバーがホストを務める番組。おすすめ曲としておととしアメリカツアーで何か所か一緒にライブをしたサンフランシスコのバンド、The Mallardをかけたよ。


I came back from UK/EU tour 2014 on June 13th. Soon after the day, we appeared on a radio show of NHK FM. I played a San Francisco band The Mallard’s song The Ants.


そして、ついにやってきました6月5日、712 Day Party 2014初日。わたしは新幹線にて東京へ。新大阪駅が改築工事をしているため、いつものお弁当屋さんはお休みだったため、今回はじめて「焼きさば鮨」を購入。これがまたおいしいんだよな~。一本ぺろりと食べちゃった。

The next week, we appeared on an internet radio for 2 days, went to the interview for U.S. visas, rehearsed for the shows and etc… We were so busy.

It was June 5th. The first day of 712 Day Party 2014 finally came.  I took Nozomi Super Express for Tokyo. Shin-Osaka Station was underconstruction and a bento lunch box show which I ofthen use was closed. I tried to buy Mackerel sushi. It was so yummy.






会場到着。arrived at the venue.








It was the first show after 6 weeks UK/EU tour. We played everyday during the tour and our groove got higher level. In 80’s, some people said that our sound is thin and sparse but now, it’s opposit. I think it became hard and heavy. The packed audience looked happy and got excited by our show. We got power from audience, too. It’s a kind of synergistic effect.IMG_4947








Yoko and Ikuno from all female band “noodles” came to our show.  They are so nice. Ikuno is a fan of Kei Nishikori and Del Potro. I’m happy that she is a tennis fan.


To be continued to Nagoya Rock City.