Ramen Adventure tour 2017 4/23 Travel Day

I left house 5:20a.m on Sunday April 23rd.  I went to Boston from LA for “Ramen Adventure tour”!

4月23日、日曜日の午前5時20分に家を出発してロサンゼルス空港へ。 “ラーメンアドベンチャーツアー”のスタート地であるボストンに行きました!

I was listening to music which Thin Lizzy, White Snake and Deep Purple on a airplane. I was mostly sleeping during 5 hours flight.


I arrived at Boston and asked the hotel shuttle to pick me up. Robby and Miyoko from Good Charamel Records welcomed me when I arrived at the hotel. We had early dinner. It was late lunch for me.  Because It has three hours time difference Los Angeles and Boston. I ate fish tacos!


Checking my bass and resting in the hotel room. Then we went to the airport to pick up Naoko and Risa. They made it!!

Tour starts tomorrow, yeah!!

ホテルでベースのチェックなどしてひと息ついた後、なおこさんとりさちゃんを迎えに また空港へ。  無事に合流出来ました!
