June 7th – 8th Travel Day from London UK to Osaka JAPAN


We took a taxi at 10:30am and went to Heathrow Airport. Checked in our luggage and ate vegetable gyoza dumplings at a “Japanese style” dinner. Coating dough tastes a little less cooked.

ぱくぱく。Eat, eat.


Atsuko will go to Los Angeles. Risa and I will go to Osaka. We took a picture. This stuffed duck will board, too.

今回は、関空に就航して間もない、British Airways直行便。直行便は体が楽や~!

We use direct flights of British Airways between Heathrow-London and Osaka-Kansai this time which started to service from 1st of April. It’s getting very easy for us to go to London.

機内食1色目。The first flight meal.

野菜パスタ。Vegetable pasta.


Soy sauce on the side. There is no dishes which needs soy sauce. Or is this is a kind of dramatic demonstration of Japan?


映画は、「Iris Apfel」見て、丸い眼鏡にかなり影響された!そのあと、映画館で見たけど、復習のため「Bohemian Rhapsody」見てみた。でも最後の方で機内エンタテインメントのシステムダウンになり、終わりまでは見られなかった。システムが復旧し、「Aquaman」みて、「未来のミライ」みた。どの映画も途中でこちらのシステムダウンにより(寝てしまった)間が消えてしまっていた。でも、映画って面白いね。

Second meal. Quiche in cream sauce. It was thick.

I saw some movies. “Iris Apfel” was interesting. I was inspired by Iris’ big eyeglasses. After that, I saw “Bohemian Rhapsody”. I watched it at a movie theater once but I wanted to review. At the end of this film, the system of the flight entertainment program went down. I couldn’t see it until the end. Then the system recovered. I saw “Aquaman” and “Mirai”. My system went down, it means I took a nap without notice, in the middle of these movies, I couldn’t see these movies completely. Anyway, I love movies.


ALIVE! in Europe 2019 Tour終了し、無事帰国。見に来てくださったお客さま、ツアーにかかわって下さった関係者の皆様に感謝いたします。ありがとうございました!!また、ヨーロッパ行きたい!!

Landed at Kansai airport and on the way home, I ate “Kitsune-Udon noodles”, wheat noodles in soup, topped with deep-fried bean curd, which I wanted to eat from a few days ago.

Thanks to our audience and people who worked with us for this tour, ALIVE! in Europe 2019 Tour finished safely and successfully. I’d like to express my gratitude. Thanks again!!  I would like to come back to Europe again!!