May 2, Ramsgate Music Hall, Ramsgate UK

5月2日(火)英国ラムズゲートのRamsgate Music Hall
昨日は英国はバンクホリデー、祝日だったそうで、今日はバリバリの平日。昨日、今日はRamsgate Music Hallで2Days ライブ。何せ昨日のライブは、当初予定されていたい2021年のチケット発売時、朝9時の発売とほぼ同時に売り切れになったそう。だから、追加公演となった。ホントにありがたい。と言う事で、夜7時ホテル発で会場へ行く算段。
It was a bank holiday in the UK. It’s the first week day. Yesterday and today were our 2 days show at Ramsgate Music Hall. Our ticket yesterday was sold at once after started to sell. That’s why we got the additional show for today. It is very thankful! Anyway, our plan today was left the hotel around 7pm and went to the hotel.
I took a rest at the room and packed my suits cases. Atsuko and I went to take a walk to the seaside.

15 min walk took us to the ocean.

Pirates ship? Beautiful!

We got hungry and entered into an Italian restaurant beside the sea.

We shared spaghetti all a vongole and pizza margarita. We didn’t want to get full for the dinner at a Japanese restaurant with Risa and made half of the pizza to take away.

夕方5時、日本食の飲食店でりさちゃんと待ち合わせ。我らがBooking agent のJackさんもラムズゲート到着とのことで合流。でも、日本食屋さんは開店予定時刻の5時になっても開く気配無し。あきらめて件の海のそばのイタリアンに再入店。
At 5pm, Atsuko and I met Risa in front of the Japanese restaurant. Our booking agent Jack joined us that he is just arriving at Ramsgate station. The Japanese restaurant seemed not open today. We gave up and walked to the same Italian restaurant which we went.

Risa ordered rare steak and dessert. Atsuko and I had tiramisu and a cup of coffee. Tastes good.


On the way to the hotel.

After dinner we went back to the hotel once and to the venue by our van. Arrived around 7pm. We prepared for the show and went to the merch table. It was fun to talk with our fans.

Our show time came very quickly. It was the last show of our 9 weeks tour We changed the set list from yesterday. I could have a very good time!! Thank you very much for coming to our show!


Went back to the hotel and packed suits cases. Went to bed around 3am.