2023年8月19日(土)和歌山CLUB GATE

Saturday, August 19th 2023
Live at CLUB GATE Wakayama City, Japan
和歌山CLUB GATEにて行われた「ロレルコナイト」に出演しました。


I made special goods for this show. This character named “Tanuki Neko” but the name is temporary name. I’m thinking more good name now. Anyway, Wakayama is famous for tasty plum UMEBOSHI. I drew pictures first.

型にはめてバッジにします。Then make them to buttons.


袋に詰めて完成!Put in a bag and finished!

当日は午前11時から12時までスタジオに入ってリハーサルをしました。本日のベースはなるちゃん。なるちゃんとライブするのは去年の12月のSpace Adventure以来です。

We rehearsed from 11am to 12pm at a studio in Osaka. Our bassist for this show is Naru. It became the first time to play with her since “Space Adventure” shows in December 2022.

その時のブログ↓ My blog at that time↓



When I look at pictures on my blog, it was only 8 months ago but I feel a lot of time have passed.


After finishing rehearsal, we drove to Wakayama City. We had lunch at Izumiotsu Driver’s Cafe. I had Kitsune Udon noodles. It was good with sweetie tasty deep fried tofu.

紀ノ川を渡るところ。 Crossing the Kinokawa river.

ほどなく和歌山CLUB GATEに到着!大変きれいで快適な会場です。

Arrived at CLUB GATE Wakayama after a moment! It is a clean and comfortable venue.

機材を搬入してサウンドチェックとグッズコーナー設営を済ませて本番まで3時間余り。外は猛烈な暑さのため、楽屋でメンバーと歓談していました。そして本番!4年ぶりに演奏する「Dizzy」、緊張した!最後は「Giant Kitty」で燃焼して無事30分のライブが終了しました。来て下さった方々に感謝します。ありがとう!!


We loaded in and finished soundcheck and setting the merch table. Still there are more than 3 hours spare time until the show time. We were staying at the dressing room and chatted because it was very hot outside. Then show time! I got a bit nervous to play our song Dizzy because it was the  first time to play after 4 years. For the last song for the set list, we played our Hard Rock style song Giant Kitty and the audience got excited with that song. I was happy to play and thank you for coming to the show!!

Also I thank to Ms. Roreruko-san who organized this event. Thank you so much! All other bands played well and it was a great event.

Live photos by MICHI @michicamera_Photo


MICHI @michicamera_Photo

MICHI @michicamera_Photo


I autographed on the wall at the venue.


After finished the show, Risa and Naru went back to Osaka earlier than me by train. I went to eat Wakayama Ramen after the event finished and loaded out. Wakayama is famous for its unique style Ramen noodles. There are not so many Ramen restaurant which open till late but this one opens.


It was so delicious with thin noodles in a thick but gentle say sauce Tonkotsu flavored soup.



I bought Umeboshi pickled plum at Kinokawa Driver’s Cafe on the way home.

Beer after show is the best!


Our next show will be held on October 8th. It is a Rock, Beer and delicious food event called BAKUON Fest at Ibaraki City, Osdaka. It is a free concert. Please come and enjoy tasty beer and music!
