We’ll go to Tokyo!!! および先週のライブレポート

I have to got busy for twitter, facebook, myspace and blog.  It’s a little complicated.  Anyway,I think blog is the most formal.

I’d like to report our show on March 3rd at Hokage in Osaka.  “Hokage” means a flicker of light.  March 3rd is the Hinamatsuri festival which is girl’s festival.  All female bands played at the show.  I enjoyed a lot.  I like all female bands.  The venue has flat floor and we put beer and sake cases on the floor and stepped on them during the show.  ‘Cos we are too short.  The day was so chilly but so many audience gathered.  Thanks a lot!

On March 6th, we played at Namba Bears in Osaka.  The event was an audition of a kind of underground idols.  Many girls who wore lolita fashion entried.  The show was packed and there was no space to stay. 






You can click this photo and see as large size.

This show was fun, too.  Thanks everyone.

We’ll go to Tokyo and have 2 shows this weekend.  Tickets for March 12th show have already gone but we’ll play on 13th, too.  The venue is in Akihabara, “Akiba”.   It’s a capital of “Otaku” culture.  The show is a release party of a cool band called “papalion”.  They released an album from my label “Burning Farm”.  Come and rock!!
















さて、次は東京行きます。3月12日のフリーライブはチケット予定枚数終了してしまいましたが、13日は秋葉原、アキバ、でライブします。オタク文化の聖地?!わたしのレーベル「Burning Farm」からアルバムを出したばかりのpapalionのリリースパーティーです。とてもすてきなバンドですよ。みなさまお誘い合わせのうえ是非おこしやす。ロックしようぜ。