August 1st A Day Off in Grand Rapids, MI

8月1日(水) ミシガン州 Grand Rapids にて休日


Today’s have to do thing was laundry.  During the washing machine was working, I went to eat lunch.  I ate this.  It was the first Thai food for this tour.  I’ve been having typical American dishes like sandwiches, burger, pizza, Mexican so far for this tour.  The only Asian food I had was Chinese for the first day in L.A.  This Thai dishes were heavy thick taste.  Yummy.


Back to the hotel and finish laundry then I went shopping for “Target” and a mall.  There was a play area which concept was “breakfast”.


I lay down on Waffle Futon.


I didn’t noticed that there were limit for height.  Sorry!!!

I got a T-shirt at the mall and went back to the hotel.  Chicago tomorrow.
