6th October Drive day from Glasgow to Leicester

10月6日(土) 移動日 グラスゴーからレスターへ

I found this at a drive in.  Should I buy one?  サービスエリアにてこのようなものを見つけました。一つ買っておくか?

We left Glasgow at 10:30 and arrived at a hotel in Leicester at 17:15.  It might be the same distance between Tokyo and Osaka.

On the way to Leicester, I took a photo of people who were glasses.  ”Small Gang” the cool guys and I.  I’m not suitable for glasses.


途中、めがね男子たちと写真とりました。同行のバンド「Small Gang」のみなさんと。わたしだけ、「めがねが顔の一部」になりきってないな。

Arrived at Leicester and had a dinner at’ All You Can Eat’ Chinese restaurant.   Cakes were yummy.  British sweets are very good.


Mushrooms were nice, too.


Then I walked around the neighbors a little.  Old and modern mixed together.


13 shows in 13 days will start from tomorrow.
