Oct. 30th A Day Off in New Jersey


I ate bread and relaxed in hotel room until 12:00pm. Then we went to a shopping mall 10 minutes away from the hotel. 

Hot TopicでロックンロールTシャツとMacy’s でオリジンズのクリーム買った〜。オリジンズは、アメリカの基礎化粧品メーカーだけど、数年前に日本から撤退しています。なので、アメリカに来た時にちょこちょこ買っております。
I bough Rock’n’roll T-shirts at Hot Topic and face cream of Origins at Macy’s. Origins is a skin care cosmetics company and they withdrew from Japanese market a few years ago. I buy some when I come to the U. S. 

お昼ご飯には少ないけれど、あつことPhilly Cheese Steakを半々しました。安定の味。

It is not enough for lunch but Atsuko and I shared small size Philly Cheese Steak. 


We stayed 2 hours at the mall. Then at a local style Mexican restaurant, 


I had mushroom quesadilla. Risa preferred donut so she went to Dunkin’ Donuts next to this restaurant. 


We came back to the hotel once and I did laundry. Then Atsuko, Miyoko and I went to Wegmans by Taylor’s driving and grabbed some food. 



But the store was almost closing and deli was started to cleaning up. I bought only these but it must be enough for me. I eat so much everyday. 

The rest of shows are 9.  I’ll do my best!