March 6, Fangelset, Goteborg Sweden

3月6日(月)Fangelset, Goteborg Sweden

I had breakfast and left the hotel at 10:00am. After arriving at Scandinavian countries, I noticed coffee taste good here.

Including some rest, we drove mostly 6 hours and arrived at Göteborg.

会場着。会場の名前のfangelset って刑務所と言う意味らしい。
We arrived at the venue. It seems that the name Fangelset means Jail.

Is it a jail? It looks like a castle.


Inside of the venue. Support band were rehearsing.

今日も会場の機材をかりる事にした。アンプはMarshall DSL 100H。
I used a guitar amp at the venue. This is Marshall DSL 100H.

We did sound check, sat up merch table and ate dinner at the venue. It was vegetarian lasagna.

So many people came to see our show even it was a Monday night. Everyone there was smiling during the show. I’m happy about that. I took a picture from the stage with audience. Thank you very much for coming!
We stayed at a hostel. I went to bed without taking a shower because there was no bathroom in the room. Just washed my face.