March 7, Arnemoen Gard, Ringebu Norway

3月7日(火) Arnemoen Gard, Ringebu Norway
We left the hostel in Göteborg around 10:00am. Temperature at our destination Ringebu!

On the way, we had drove through snow storm area. The view was “white out”. Our car drove very slow for safety. I was praying the snow would be stopping. We drove north and could got through snow storm area. I was worried but we could escape from dangerous zone. Thanks for good driving, Kenkichi.

I bought pastries at a gas station. I imagined this was a chocolate coating bread but it was a kind of melange but a bit artificial.

I had almond tart, too. This was tasty.

6 hours drive took us to the destination the venue in Ringebu.

The view around here was very beautiful.

Inside of the venue. It looks like a big mountain hut.

Looks like the hall of dinner show.

今日も機材は会場のものをお借りした。Fender Deluxe Reverb。リバーブは使わないけどね。
We borrowed venue’s equipment today, too. I used Fender Deluxe Reverb. I don’t use reverb, though.

Merch table. Some items were already sold out.

We were served dinner at the club owner’s house. It was homemade Thai curry, salads and garlic toast. Curry was so tasty and I ate a lot. Thank you so much.

There were tables and chairs beside the stage and all over the venue. It was a kind of dinner show. They only serve drink, though. Anyway, the audience applause after each song finished. I was happy and a bit ashamed. After the show we did autograph session. A group of 10, 15, young people came to the show. They said that they came to our show as a school trip. We asked them what kind of school? They answered “a kind of adult kindergarten”. Ah, it is a club activities. Sounds good. I thank to people who came to our show.