April 11 Day off in London UK 🇬🇧 (Atsuko)

Today is the last day off in London. We thought about where to go and decided to go to the Fashion and Textile Museum at my request. Before that, We had lunch at a steakhouse in a building that used to be a church, which I had longed to visit. Yay!

We took a double-decker bus to London Bridge. The first seat on the second floor has a great view. It was kind of sightseeing.

Arrived at the Fashion and Textile Museum. During this period I was able to see Andy Warhol’s textile exhibition.

There were not many exhibits. But I think I could see the precious design. My personal favorite is the pretzel pattern. I was surprised to hear that founder and designer Zandra Rhodes lives above this building.

Pyramid Power!

地下鉄でGreen Park まで行って、ケーキ食べた〜。
We took the subway to Green Park and ate cake!

Piccadilly Circus and Regent Street.

I found UNIQLO! But I didn’t need to go in there.

We took the subway and bus back home. I had my first Taiko series this time, salmon sushi roll, and went to bed.

Now, tomorrow is the start of the UK tour!

Let’s Rock!