April 25 Leeds UK 🇬🇧 Brudenell Social Club (Atsuko)


We checked out the hotel in Hull at 12:00 pm and went to Leeds. We stopped at a music store in Leeds but we couldn’t find what we wanted to buy. We were hungry so I bought chicken burger and we ate it at the venue’s patio. 


This venue I’ve been to many times.  And the usual routine.

ここリーズのクールなバンド、Delta5の今は亡きドラマーのケルビンにもらったTシャツ着た!2014年にナイフがBRUDENELL SOCIAL CLUB でライブした時、見に来てくれたのでした。ありがとう。

I wore a T-shirt given to me by Kelvin, the late drummer of Delta5, a super cool band here in Leeds. When Shonen Knife performed at BRUDENELL SOCIAL CLUB in 2014, he came to see the show! Thank you!



Today’s drumhead art. Naoko drew and I helped painting color.


Posing backstage!


The live concert was a great success! Many people came to see the show. Thank you Lees! I had a great time.