2023年11月11日(土)SPACE ADVENTURE 2023 大阪・なんばMele

Space Adventure 2023

Saturday, November 11th 2023 at Namba Mele, Osaka



Shonen Knife one-man show, Space Adventure 2023 Osaka was held on Saturday, November 11th at Namba Mele.

I had lunch at home. Putting on Kakiage Tempura from a supermarket yesterday on rice and pour some Tentsuyu sauce. I was so good. Tentsuyu is fish and soy flavor sauce.

この日も東京同様、ライブとフリーマーケットを同時開催しました。フリーマーケットのために、Space Adventure 2023特製プラバンを手作りしました。

We held a flea market as Tokyo show. I made plastic plates Space Adventure 2023 special by myself.


Draw pictures on a thin plastic plate and heat them in an electric oven toaster for some minutes. Then they shrink and fix the shape to key holders. I made 5 pieces. It was a bit hard to make but I love these.


In the afternoon, we arrived at the venue, Namba Mele which is close to Namba station and the location is very good. They have an enough space in front of the bar and we use the space for the flea market. People at the venue are kind to us.


This is the space in front of the Bar. Naru joined into the flea market and brought many items.


I sold my acoustic guitar at our Tokyo show. The acoustic guitar brand which sold in Tokyo was POS. It is a brand of a music instrument shop in Osaka. Today, I sold Morales guitar which is a brand of music score publishing company Zen-on. I still have some more acoustic guitars at home and wanted to sell this one to someone who use it. A wonderful people bought this and the guitar must be happy.

サウンドチェック。今日の私服はNight RangerのTシャツ。去年10月の来日公演で買ってから初めて着ました。来日公演楽しかったなぁ。ステージ写真:太田智子

Soundcheck. I wore Night Ranger T-shirt. I bought this at their concert in Osaka in October last year. It was the first time for me to wear this one. Ah, the show was fun, anyway.

Stage photos by Tomoko Ota


I sat up the merch table and the show time came very quickly. I didn’t got nervous so much. It may be that the set list was played last week in Tokyo.



Jump, jump, jump!

Sing, sing, sing!

Flying VVV!




Wearing Space Adventure 2023 T-shirt, doing encore! Yeah!





Our show finished safely with many cheerful audience. Thank you for coming! I thank to the audience who from all over Japan and all over the world.

Beautiful photographer Tomoko Ota took many fabulous pics. Thanks a lot.

Left: Naru, Right: Tomoko Ota

I also thank to staff at Namba Mele and Shonen Knife Family who help our merch.


And of course Atsuko and Risa played very well. Great job! Next show on 19th November will be the last show of this year. ROCK!