April 20 Edinburgh UK 🇬🇧 Summerhall (Atsuko)


We left the hotel 10am and drove to Edinburgh. We stopped at the service station.


Lots of cows and sheep.


We arrived at the venue, SUMMERHALL. There was a big poster! Thank you!


Enter the courtyard through the side entrance. The upper floor is the venue. Staff helped us to carry in our equipments. They were very helpful.


Reunited with the orangutan statue for the first time in five years. Hey, hasn’t it changed color?

May 1 Edinburgh, Summerhall

↑2018年のブログ。 2018 Blog.


A picture on the blackboard at the entrance.


They prepared Scottish sweets in the dressing room. Thank you.

晩ごはんは近くの日本料理店へ。お好み焼き‼︎ とっても美味しかったです。夜食用に鳥の唐揚げも頼みました。

I went to the Japanese restaurant for dinner. Okonomiyaki—!!! It was delicious! We ordered fried chicken for later.

たくさんの人が見に来てくれました。楽しい時間をありがとう〜 5年振りのエジンバラは大盛りでした!

Many people came to see Shonen Knife. Thanks for a great time. For the first time in five years, Edinburgh was a big crowd!