Sunday Feb25 Hobart, Tasmania MONA FOMA (Atsuko)


I ate a banana and left at 8am! Oh, I forgot my face soap in the hotel room … 😭 so sleepy!


At Canberra Airport, Greg and Paul took us to the premium lounge again for breakfast. Thanks!



We arrived at Hobart, but Naoko’s guitar didn’t appear: !!!! What happened ?

 We asked about it, and they said it would be on the next flight.  The next flight arrives in the evening! Oh no!

MONA FOMAフェスのスタッフが迎えに来てくれて会場へ。

The staff of MONA FOMA picked us up at the airport and we went to the  venue.


I enjoyed my time off in Hobart in 2019 – I even went to the MONA museum by ferryboat!


We arrived at the venue and did a sound check first. Naoko was lent a guitar by the event staff.


The Green Room is a luxury resort cottage near the stage. There was a washer and dryer so we all did our laundry.  Yeah! The dryer is so high that we have to get on a chair to reach it….why?


We were served hors d’oeuvres before dinner. They were all stylish~ and delicious.


we had dinner after 5 pm. I chosen roast lamb and vegetables.


Went to check out the festival after dinner.  Looks like a lot of fun!


The live show was fun on the big stage.  I saw a big picture of myself on the back screen…. There were various patterns and it was very cool. There is a sign language interpreter on stage for the songs.


After the live show , we had a glass of MONA wine at the cottage.  It was delicious and I drank a lot.

キュレーターのViolent Femmes のベーシストBrian Ritchie さんと。

With curator Brian Ritchie, he is a bassist of Violent Femmes.


Checked in to the hotel. Each of us had an own room. Sleeping in a king-size bed for the first time for me on this tour~.


I fell asleep on the big bed, feeling good from the good wine. 30 minutes later I woke up, got ready for bed and went to sleep.



Tomorrow is a day off!

Good night.