March 6, Artworks, Waiheke Island New Zealand

3月6日(水)Artworks, Waiheke NZ



I went to bed around 8:30 yesterday night. I awoke 3 times but got up from the bed was 9:30. Thus I totally 12 hours were sleeping. I had a dream like this ” The show time is soon coming but I can’t change into stage costume. My body is stiffing!”. When I woke up, my body was very stiff and I got an insect bite on my hip.

Then I wrote my blog. Xan came to our b & b to pick us up and we went to bush beside the ocean for walking. I was walking slowly but my foot got wet because I wasn’t wore waterproof shoes.


We saw the ocean and walked into bush. I could see islands and down town Auckland far away.


Jungle cruise!


I can’t see this kind of trees in Japan.

木の下にて。Under the trees.

のら鶏が集まっている場所。Too many stray roosters.

鶏を捨てるのはいけませんっ!Do not leave roosters here!


We walked an hour and drove to a cafe close to the ferry terminal. There are shops around here. Our venue tonight is close to here.


I had mushroom cheese sandwiches. I ate a half and took away the rest. Xan drove to the venue first and we walked to the venue later.


We drove back to the b & b and took our bags. Then went back to the venue and did soundcheck.

開場入り口。The entrance of the venue.


After soundcheck, we had dinner at an Indian restaurant beside the venue. It was delicious!


We went back to the venue and I changed the strings.

サポートのTeen Wolfの出番が終わり、我々の出番。お客さんたくさんきてくださってびっくりしました!ライブはとても盛り上がり、ライブ終了後、グッズコーナーはTシャツは売り切れ!びっくりです。見に来てくださったみなさま、ありがとう!!

Today’s support, Teen Wolf finished their performance and our turn came. I was surprised that so many people came to the show! Many audience were excited and cheerful during our show. Our T-shirts were sold out after show. So surprised! Thank you everyone who came to our show!


The venue is a local theater.

Teen Wolfのみなさん、サウンドマンの方と記念撮影。

We took a photo with Teen Wolf and the soundman.

楽屋にて。At the dressing room.


We ate pavlova from our fan after show. It was delicious as not too sweet! Drove back to the b & b and went to bed.


Beer from catering were delicious.